Use it as a tent

Here is a view from the inside

Having a nice time?

They call it "Panty Camp"

Make a kite out of it!

Have your pet cats play with it!

I'm not sure what the japanese meant by this signage...

Here's an advertisement that promises every man's dream... a "Liquid Panty Remover" much like the fountain of youth!

Some cars can have the same effect...

If it really has that effect, why not change the logo to fit the description better?

After the car does its effect, use the panty to lock the steering wheel!

Speaking of panties being removed, here's one that you'll be cheering on!

Some girls like to show it off... painted on their skirts...

Some don't... when it's not painted... but they still do accidentally...

This one will attract more visitors to the zoo... but I guess PETA will not like it as much...

If you like wildlife and adventure, why don't you try climbing the "panty wall"? I have no idea though why they call it that...

This one has really has panties on the wall... it's a mural by the way...

If works of art such as the mural above amazes you, this sculpture will amaze you even more!

If it draws in crowds, you can also use it to attract your customers when setting up your store... especially when you sell food...

or maybe a convenient store...

Be sure to bring your purse, just in case you need to buy something...